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Da’wah in community development: Analysis of community development methods in the Al-Qur’an

Achmad Ghozali1, Yulia Annisa2, Muhlasin3
1,2,3Faculty of Da’wah and Communication, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim, Indonesia

Abstract Objective – The objective of this study focuses on analyzing the Qur’anic concept of empowerment methods to anticipate the negative impacts of modernization by grounding Islamic teachings through community empowerment with the concept of development that must be comprehensive, touching, and penetrating human identity. Method – The study method is carried out through a literature study, with content analysis techniques. Result – The results of this study analyzed 3 methods, they are 1) the al-Hikmah method a) through comparative (comparison), b) through proverbs (examples), c) through history (stories). 2) Method of Da’wah al-Mau’izhah al hasanah; a) Education and teaching, b) Guidance and counseling. c) uswahwa al-tathbiq (good example). 3) Da’wah al-Mujlah hiya ahsan method a) Deliberation of FGD (Focus Group Discussion), b) Muzakarah (Participatory Learning and Action), or Participatory Learning and Practice Processes). c) Mubahalah (Farmers Field School) or Field School. Implication – This method suggests enriching insight and a comparison with empowerment theories discussed from the current concepts and improving the performance of Islamic community empowerment skills. Originality – The focus of this research produces an empowerment method that is not only limited to the aspect of material welfare but can build a whole person, from all material and spiritual aspects simultaneously.

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